  >  Travel (Page 3)

1. "Choose your companions carefully when you are walking in the hills. If you are accompanied by the wrong person- by which I mean someone who is temperamentally very different to you- that long hike you’ve been dreaming of could

This question always comes up when I tell people I travel for a living. Everyone wants to know the best and cheapest way to travel, and though we usually manage to figure out a way to save money on hotels,

Enough is said in praise of this beautiful island, though nothing captures the effect of driving up, once you embark at its port. Santorini was caused by a volcanic eruption, which is why this island is famous for it's view

The trains in Europe may be famous for being a blessing or a convenience, but there's so much more to these adorable trains. Something about them is liberating, adorable and wonderful. These little boxes signify possibility. Just traveling around in them