5 Best Travel Tips from Famous Authors
1. "Choose your companions carefully when you are walking in the hills. If you are accompanied by the wrong person- by which I mean someone who is temperamentally very different to you- that long hike you’ve been dreaming of could
The Best of Auckland: A Week’s Guide, 27 Things To Do
Call me biased, for this is the only other city I call home, but Auckland is a one-stop-shop for anyone in desperate need of a change of lifestyle. It's a breath of fresh air- this happy place, as is most
Guide to Trip Planning: 8 Easy Steps
Planning a trip can sometimes leave you baffled. Between the excitement and all the gorgeous places on your bucket list, we find ourselves wondering where to begin! The task is all the more mammoth if you're traveling with equally excited
10 Best Gifts for Anyone Who Loves Traveling
"I'm not a fan of presents" Said nobody ever! There's always a bucket list brewing up in our heads somewhere, and travel fanatics are no exception. From shooting the perfect sunset to finding the perfect travel hat, many a perfect
How To Get Cheap Flight Tickets
This question always comes up when I tell people I travel for a living. Everyone wants to know the best and cheapest way to travel, and though we usually manage to figure out a way to save money on hotels,
9 Ways To Save Loads of Money on Hotel Bookings
Be it a weekend getaway or a long trip you're planning, there's only so many ways to save money on flights. But when it comes to hotel bookings, there are plenty ways to work out a good deal. Here are
Why 2016 is the best year to visit Russia
Think tall cathedrals, ballet dancers and Swan Lake, elaborate circus performances we've read about in books and watched in old movies. Think beautiful rivers with colourful houses and fancy lamp posts. White nights, with 24 hours of sunlight for a
Santorini Bucket List: 8 Top Experiences!
Enough is said in praise of this beautiful island, though nothing captures the effect of driving up, once you embark at its port. Santorini was caused by a volcanic eruption, which is why this island is famous for it's view
Solo Female Travel: It’s time to book that ticket!
You don't have to depend on people to come along: Most of us have a mental block. We're not sure if it's going to be fun, if we'll miss our partner or our friends or will just get bored traveling
Europe Train Stories: My Top 3
The trains in Europe may be famous for being a blessing or a convenience, but there's so much more to these adorable trains. Something about them is liberating, adorable and wonderful. These little boxes signify possibility. Just traveling around in them
Weekend in Mussoorie: 2 Day Guide
As soon as summer sets in, don't we all frantically start searching for the closest hill station or the easiest way to get to the hills? Come long weekends, and the desperation really kicks in. I'm one of those who
8 Ways to Save Big Bucks on Flights
The biggest tragedy in the life of a traveler is the price of an air ticket! Sometimes even loyalty points don't do the trick, giving us little choice but to rely on a little research and expert advice to save